Werft Shipbuilding tests new design fishing vessel!

URK, MARCH 12, 2021

For their latest design fishing vessel, Werft Shipbuilding has sought cooperation with the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands. One of the tank facilities in Wageningen was used to test their enw design fishing vessel.

Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, abbreviated as MARIN, has been one of the world’s leading maritime insitutes with more than 85 years of experience in independent research within the maritime sector. By combining softare, model test facilities, simulators, and full scale monitoring capabilities, they contribute to cleaner, safer and smarter ships and operations.

Ship as daily tool
For a fisherman a fishing vessel is their daily tool and it is therefore important to deliver a vessel that not only has optimal performance but also a ship that is functioning properly. Thehull design for a fishing vessel is a complex piece of engineering. To safeguard expectations, it was decided to test the design in MARIN’s Deep Water Basin.

During the bath trials it was tested what he resistance of the hull design was and the ships maximum achievable speed and bollard pull will be during the various sailing and fishing conditions. Based on the results, possible optimization van be applied in furhter design stages, resulting in an even more sustainable design. The preliminary results appear favorable and confirm expectations based on previous CFD assesments.